Thursday, July 21, 2016

Getting Copied And Inspiring Others by Montrealer GirlBoss Hera Bell

They say getting copied is the biggest flattery. Throughout centuries artists dealt with this issue. Mona Lisa has been painted millions of times. We have so many examples.

During the digital era  this has become even more common.

When other artists use my photographic work without asking is it a compliment? I just found this out. I am not freaking out. This has happened to me before.

My original shot.

I never supplied it as a shock photo shot. But if you use google +  or Deviantart to share your photos, it stores your images on picassa and for some reason people think it is free for all stock image  grabs.
Go check the link. I guess I am happy to have inspired her. However a tiny credit to me would have been appriciated.

The link to see the artist's page... just click on it.