Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Let me tell you how things started. It all started renoun Canadian designer Yves Jean Lacasse. creating an amazing mask with real jewels. All the info is below please read. 

I was called to photograph at Yves Jean's atelier Pascale Bourbeau. With my one single studio strobe. 

Off I went to do the job. In front of a white wall and white wodden floors of his atelier. The rest as you know takes another life on it's own when it comes to my photographic works. 

Basically you see my background photographed in Palermo at Palatine Chapel, a world heritage chuch grounds where also Moors used as worship grounds, became the spot to transport the first batch of images digitally. Now we are talking of middle ages. Not Renaissance. Second batch will be another blog. And it will be transported all to Venice by me from a simple studio session. Voila enjoy them. Now I leave the words to Yves Jean Lacasse. 

The designer. " Designer Yves Jean Lacasse calls on his Muse Pascale Bourbeau and internationally renowned photographer Hera Bell for the image of his 2021 Haute-Couture collection which will mark the 26th anniversary of his fashion house ENVERS. For his next men's and women's collections, fashion designer Yves Jean Lacasse is inspired by the apotheosis of Renaissance artistic influences between France and Italy, his ancestral genealogical roots of Chenonceau and the iconic Catherine de Medici who built the famous galleries of the castle above the Cher like the Ponte Vecchio in Florance. Heir to the Medici line at the helm of Florance, cradle of the Italian Renaissance, Catherine became a strategic choice for creating a Franco-Italian rapprochement in the context of the Italian wars and the rivalries between Francois 1er and Charles Quint. In 1533 she married Henri the 2nd son of Francois 1er and became Duchess of Orleans. Three years later, the Dauphin Francois of France died suddenly. Henri d´Orléans then received the title of Dauphin and Duke of Brittany, before becoming King of France in 1547. 

Catherine de Medici was crowned Queen of France in 1549 at the Saint-Denis basilica. It is around these historical influences that Yves Jean Lacasse called upon the Montreal-based Maison of Italian origin Sérafino, with whom he has worked for several seasons in order to integrate the know-how of Haute-Joaillerie into his unique creations. Tribute to Catherine de Médicis / Sérafino for ENVERS / Mask and sound - Envers Design Inc. by Yves Jean Lacasse. "

Wednesday, December 23, 2020



What a year this has been.

I lost my dad to Covid April 7th. He was a resident at Heron that go hit hard with Covid.

Covid taught us humility.  It showed us how our lives and busnisses can be so fragile. How the world we live in can suffer collectively from the same virus regardless  the country.

In isolation we learnt that we don't need much, but our loved one besides us. Just our health. A roof over our heads and food on our tables.

I was very fortunate to work 4 days a week and manage  a medical clinic. Since I have been doing for over 5 years already.

My "in studio" photography and my weekend clients had to take a hiatus from being active because of Covid.

During this summer I only did outdoor sessions. Around town and in my garden only with some select clientèle. 

I wish everyone good holidays . Stay safe and healthy.

Let there be light upon Earth and in your hearts.

As we welcome 2021. I wish everyone love and peace.

What I miss the most our travels.

With Les Grands Ballet solo dancers  Anna Ishii and Celestin Boutin

Tutus by   One Point Tutus 

Make up by Yuka Hayata

Kaftan worn by Celestin designed by Canadian designer  Yves Jean Lacasse    

Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Cooking Adventures by Hera Bell

 Eat local. Eat fresh. Eat colorful. 

 Some may call it "ratatouille". Italians add olives it becomes "caponata". I cook without a recepie. 

 Over the years, throughout my travels I learnt a great deal about flavours which is only achieved by the use of spices. Therefor I invite everyone to go into such flavour adventures as me. Don't be shy. Cook with spices. 

 Chop ognions as half moon slices. Fry them in peanut oil. It is heat resistant. Olive oil under high heat burns and actually becomes bad. 

 Chop everything else.

Add to the pot. Add tomato coulis. Water. Salt. Sweet Antep pepper flakes. A bit of hot Antep pepper flakes. Lime juice. Garlic and onion powders. Mix everything. 

 In low heat start simmering everything. If you want it to be one a full vegan meal. Just add chick peas or various beans of your choice.

Bonne Appétit. 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Our Shopping Centers During Covid 19 Era

If one would predict the Covid era we find ourselves in right now as a futuristic movie, they would be right on. In fact there has been movies about pandemics.

We all have watched it as a futuristic scenario. We never would think we would find ourselves living in it.

Yesterday for the very first time I took the courage to venture into Fairview mall. Upon entering and after desenfecting my hands I started hearing an announcement regarding safety. In both languages. I felt I am in a science fiction movie. Young Boys and Girls with masks were in.line to get their bubble tea. Often they kept putting their masks up and down, like one puts an underwear or a condom. I tried to keep my distance. It was first time since Covid hit us I entered a space that I felt the unpredictable crowds passing by me. Too close to my comfort. I must admit.

I entered H&M store. No line up. Desenfected my hands again. They told me you can't try out cloths. But buy them. Keep your bill. Try them out. If it doesn't fit return them back. I said OK. The store was full of millenials. Careless. Jumping on me from all corners of the store. They were out shopping in groups of 4 and 5. With their badly placed masks exposing their nose.

The shopping center had no longer the comfy leather couches to sit on. It looked bare. You could see the forever new tiles on the floors. It really felt like a bizarre space station. I never thought I would live in an era like this. Much like in the movies.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Eat The Tacos Not the conventional way by Hera Bell

Tonight I eat this. A very international flavour mix. Mexican tortilla. Portugese piri piri with Indian gram masala marinated with smoked paprika garlic and lemon. Roasted in the oven chicken breast. Then a bit of mayo. Very noth American.
Topped with marinated Mexican way red onions memories of Merida. Voila.
No set recepies. I mix flavors. Food needs to taste yummy for me.

I cook through my travel experiences.

Monday, February 24, 2020

WATER DROP COLLISIONS Abstract Photography by Montreal photographer Hera Bell

Yesterday I experimented with my new toy which came from a UK supplier.
The results are quite fun. Not bad for a first time. I wanted to create water sculptures.
Here are first few.

 If you are curious about the wiggly part. It happened because I thought it would make a better image. Otherwise there was minimum editing done.
Camera is Canon 5D Mark III. One portable Canon flash was used. I opted to use my zoom lens instead of a macro. Better control on manual focus.

 "My Hommge To Erte's Fashion" 
 Imagine this is milk.

"Very Pregnant, boy or girl"

From my Abrstract Fluides series. "Ageing" Some of us know what it means. Where everything tends to go towards south.

Acrilic limited edition of 100 print details of my collection.

Sea Monsters Dancing...
From my water series. This image is a collection of 3 shots. All shot during my first try. All I coud see Sea Monsters. Voila. At a dance 2 males courting a female.
White background and just clear water. Lighting is everything.